Sunday 8 June 2014


Hello beautiful ladies... today's post isn't really to do with fashion or clothes, more so what's beneath. I'm doing my best to spread a little body positivity to as many curvy ladies as possible. It's summer again and of course all you see everywhere in magazines is 'bikini bods' 'summer body diets' '7days to look great for summer'. Well here's the thing, you already look good. Do not let the media and judgemental society dictate as to whether you're ready to wear a bloody bikini. I'm sick to death of it. Why is it we only get complimented and acknowledged for losing weight, or changing our image? Why are we not supporting one another and congratulating them on feeling good in their own skin? It's appalling. 

We're constantly slating each other without even realising it. I work in a clothes shop and I'm continuously deafened with the usual comments about larger sized clothes by customers. "oh look at the size of that!" "I'd hate to be that fat" "I'd be depressed if I were that size" Well I appreciate they may be smaller, but bigger girls need bigger clothes. FACT. 

A positive mindset isn't easy to find. It took me years to like myself. I hated every inch of me from the age of 12. I'm 21 now and I can safely say in the last few months I'm finally where I want to be. It's not easy to ignore the criticisms of the world, but once you've realised that the only persons opinions on your own body you need to listen to are yours then, ladies, you will be there.

The media thrives off our insecurities, making billions on products and advertisements in products we bully ourselves into buying. Media telling us we need to get thinner, telling us it's not ok to age, it's not ok to have cellulite. Well I say screw them. Screw their opinions, screw their false statements. You are you. You have one body, one life, so are you going to spend your life worrying about how someone will perceive you in a bikini or are you going to put that bikini on, smile and think to yourself wow, I look so fabulous? 

Think ladies, if people are that low in judging you for your size then clearly they can't be happy in their own skin. Pitty them, show them how amazing you are and how beautiful you know you can be. This may have sounded like a rant but it's not, I am happy, I have flaws, but physically I couldn't care less about the flaws. I'll use this time making myself a better person, not attempting to fill a forever empty void that is vanity. I have a beautiful body. If you think different then keep it to yourself because quite frankly I'm too busy smiling to listen. 

So lets join the beauty movement. Let's all feel fabulous.


-Plus Size Pretty x

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